About colors:

Colors are vibrations, and they have very important role while creating a mandala, later through their effect to the ambience and to the individual too. We associate chakras with a single color. If we paint a mandala, while using symbols, we could influence their effect by using different color sets.

Meaning of colors:


Color of fullness and inner peace, defense, healing, contacting Gods with white visions. White is a primal carrier- friendly with every color, but not liking any of them better than the others. When being used for healing, best used combined with other colors. It stimulates the pituitary gland and cerebral crus through the crown chakra, supporting the healthy functioning of the skull and the eyes.


Friendliness, aptitude, nature, intelligence; eternal light, majesty, expressing the power, icon for interposition between human and god. Yellow is a warm color, close to light and sun. It encourages our nervous-system and digesting organs to do better work, leading our mood towards optimism.

An energetic, vital color, representing the sun. Color of happiness, joy, delight and ease. It cheers you up, enhances self-confidence, and improves courage and act. It helps judgment and clearer vision. Encourages positive thinking and to be optimistic, effective against fears, mental disorders and depression. Improves concentration, so before an exam you should surround yourself with it our solar plexus, center of our vegetative system is connected with this color, so vegetative disorders could be disabled with it. If we do a mental activity, yellow will help focusing; it cheers up melancholic people, supports detoxicating system, stabilizes low blood pressure and makes you act during hard days.

Who loves yellow: joyful, open-minded, intelligent, self-conscious character.

Refusing yellow: depression, melancholy, tend to be grim


Self-control, vitality, ambition, sensing; transposing color between red and yellow, means the balance of soul and libido. Mobilizing, vivid, makes you dynamic, liberates the blocked energies of our body, enhancing the senses.

Orange is next to red in the spectrum. It's a warm color, albeit missing the heat effusing from red. As with the red color, sexuality and fertility is associated with it. Orange is the color of joy, it bears enough power to stimulate our liberty and mobilizing us. It works as a general refresher, rendering our biochemical system to banish depression. It can bring relief to patients suffering from reuma. It's good against spasm, helping the tension in our muscle, and good for the milt too, increasing vitality. Orange can be used - before or after surgeries- for thyroid gland and other hormonal disorders, for muscle pains, skin problems, in cosmetics, or for digesting problems. Orange, as a warm and active color has motivational effect, it's the most important color against depression, pessimism and tiredness. Great healer of non-appetite, severe weight loss, helps bowel problems too. It stimulates our gland system, helping the milt and effecting favorably the decomposition of our blood globules. Strengthening the immune system, mobilizing the self-healer power of our body.

Its chakra is: milt-belly

Its crystal is: carneol

Lots of orange in our aura- ambition, open-minded, creativity

Loving the orange color: active, joyful, somehow superficial

Refusing orange: depressive, gloomy


Dauntless, power, fluctuation, love, coziness, activity, dynamism, vitality, courage, determination, desire, will to win. Mediator to ancient trust and life energy. Color of love and fire. Symbolizes power, dominance, creativity, passion too. Stimulates metabolism and blood circulation. Red is next to infrared in the electromagnetic spectrum, therefore connected to warmth. Its impact is stimulating and exciting, for this reason it's being used in restaurants to increase appetite and to create a cozy ambience. Our heart beats quicker and our blood circulation gets more intense due to red.

Red as the hottest color effects directly blood. It heals chronic blockades while healing atrophy too. Red helps eczema, and all kind of inflamed skin diseases; its stimulating effect on anemia, cough, larynx is helpful.

Cold areas could be warmed up with it, and it increases efficiency. If this color is being used too long, it makes patients aggressive, impatient and restless. In this case a complementary color should be add (green)

Its chakra is: root chakra

Its crystal is: granite, ruby, jaspis, hematite, red coral

Too much red in aura: passion, courage to aggression

Red color as favorite color: active, dynamic, acceptance of life type

Refusing red: passive, reserved, introverted type


Color of nature and hope. Green lovers are striving for harmony, due to green self-healing processes could set off.

Growth, spring, regeneration, tranquility, healing, endurance, decision-making, trust, connection- associated with green, indicates the triplet of colors, cause it's mixture of blue and yellow. Center of rainbow. Green is the color of nature, growth and universal regeneration, therefore its healing skill resides in harmonizing and corroborative power. Dyes of green effect intellect favorably, it balances energies of body and spirit. It's extremely good for claustrophobia. Green helps to dissipate negative feelings. If we use it for a stormy relationship, it helps to cool things down. Green shows us a direction- so use it when hesitating. It brings things into the middle of our focus.

Green is a refreshing tonic. Therefore it's recommended for therapist, because they're treating lots of patients. When we feel collapsed or exhausted, we should rest in an armchair with a green kerchief on our head, which will get us back into ourselves.

Green could be worn as clothes, could be used as decoration in our house, or could be eaten. One of the best way to embrace green is to do some light and joyful gardening, in the nature, under the trees or just walking on grass. We ought to keep some green ornamental plant and other green object in our house.


Blue is the color of freedom and the desire to be free.

Satisfaction, relaxation, harmony, purity, serenity, safety, silence, infinity. It gathers and reorganizes energies, relaxes inflamed processes, adding serenity and clairvoyance for the mind. It banishes fatigue and sleepiness.

Its dark tone means safety, while the light means ease. It generates trust, helps to reveal truth, and unwraps mental horizons, color of success and defense. It's useful for expectant mothers; has a good effect on teething, child diseases and ear infection. Darker tones of blue reflects wisdom, reliability, knowledge, solemnity and stability.


Composure, self-searching, independency, individuality, balance, harmony, ambition, success, color of the Atlantic-healers.

The fundamental motivation of turquoise is emotional relationship in life. Turquoise heals feelings and opens up the heart; it's connected to chest and throat. It feeds the central nerve system, hence extremely helpful in case of surfeit and breakdown. It's immobility calms down the panic-like situation, which creates an emotional shock.


Those kind of people like purple, who: attracted to supernatural things, meditation, charmic prediction, astral voyage, psychic defense; purple helps to prevent nightmares, to recall deceased loved ones, eases tension, alters energies, helps mental processes, relieves nerve irritation, decreases pain. Amongst the spectrum, purple is the shortest, although possesses the most energy. The healing materials connected with purple are reinforcing spiritually and psychically. Color of people born to heal, to serve, to penance. People with higher intellectual disposition, with spiritual attraction, ones who are enlightened and liberated tend to like purple. Balancing our soul as women (blue) and men ( red), mental cleansing for right and left brain cerebral parts. Acceptance of purple supports mental awakening, spiritual development and revival, recognizing the meaning of life.


Mallow is a majestic color ; color of peace, composure and good decisions.


Color of sensitivity, inner and universal healing, love, passion, romance, friendship, smooth sleep, trusts, it attracts new friends or lovers. Color of compassion, love and purity, could reflect joy, comfortableness and strong fellowship. Color of femininity, maternity, associated with young women; refers to : infantilism for women , unconscious femininity for men. Antidote against fear, it bring relief, tenderness, eases lack of confidence and love and aggressive intentions.


Color of earth-proximity, roots, stability, deliberate bond to environment; color of the earth, nature, therefore motherhood, care, fertility, diligence. Helps to find lost items, protects our home, pets, gives money and ideas, and brings balance. It creates harmony in our family, in our home and financial state, in our body's needs, in our state of health. It gives safety, calmness and symbolizes naturalism.


Gray inspires creative-minded people. Gray is the color of compromise cause it's the middle between white and black. Soft-faint gray increases the perception of freedom and helps artistic mood. Middle-gray gives serenity, safety.


Color of secret, intuition, understanding and reincarnation. Color of night, remission, change and renascence. Black always encourages us to adapt what we know, not what we see. Able to create order out of chaos. Color of night, mystical abyss and space. It carries the ancient mystic knowledge. Black is the color of fertile soil, associated with fertile periods of the lunar eclipse- sowed seed brings crop that time they say. Symbol of power, it's able to endow other colors with it. Jin-Jang symbol is black and white as well, meaning the balance of men and women. With its help we can decrease pain; it stimulates to be more resistant, gives stability and endurance.


Color of Moon, supernatural skills, flowing emotions, color of welfare. Due to its color and brightness, it's the symbol of pureness, honesty and loyalty, although could refer to fertility, commerce or the power of money. Has feminine energies- motherhood, intuition, high level of dream-solving is associated with it. As gold is the color of kings, silver is the color of queens. Color of courtesy and politeness, refers to wit, logic thinking and punctuality- furthermore it increases these areas in the mind, making us more independent and self-confidant. If you strive safety and harmony, surround yourself with silver.


Color of the Sun, masculine energies, wisdom, richness, wealth, beauty, infinity, achieving earthly goals, acknowledgement and long lifespan. Richness in body, soul, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Enlightenment. Symbol of holy grail- something that is obtained through great hardship. Honey, wheat-field, golden apple, golden fish refers to wealth. Gold symbolizes the highest level of knowledge, wisdom gathered from ordination of our experiences. Helps to bring back light to our life.


- fluidity, balance

Bronze contributes to getting things done quickly without upheaval. Every secret agency is associated with bronze. Brasses and pans are famous for transferring heat with minimal resistance and dispersing them evenly. Great heaters. It imbibes things- against reuma one should wear a copper bracelet. Neutralizes acidity, it's a natural saccharine, calms temperament. Bronze is quite, although symbolizes effective activity. It's consist of several other colors, therefore possesses numerous aspects of them . Bronze activates understanding, which helps personal changes to go off without drama.

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