The Mandala

What is mandala, what's it about?

Once I have read an appropriate and probably the most beautiful phrasing of mandala- basically meaning that mandala is a framed prayer or realization of visualized grace.

According to ethnographic datas, the real meaning of mandala is based on ancient mandalas- / closed circle with a point or cross figure within/, which were world-models. Therefore mandala is a WORLD MODEL practically. The word mandala-itself roots from the ancient Sanskrit language, whence it spread world-wide. Meaning was circle, slice, arc, disc, wheel etc. However, the root of the word implies to human mind too- man-manas / creator power of mind/ So putting the pieces together leads us to the correct answer- creator circle, or circle of creation - hence world-model.

Mandala is originally an ancient, general sacred symbol. It spans across continents, it could have been found for thousand ages in many cultures since the caveman till nowadays. Every mandala is unique and unrepeatable; shaping varies among cultures, although leading to the very same effect. Mandalas are creating a bridge between material and spiritual world, respectively amongst higher dimensions.

Mandalas are excellently suitable for compressing ancient knowledge, sacred geometrics and millennial, magical symbols - used in an appropriate way- and for reactivating these energies nowadays. The pieces of these secret knowledge are all connected with each other, forming a unified whole, representing instruction/knowledge fell into oblivion. The following items belong here- old engraved, scraped, notched diagrams-writing systems as well, both created for the very reason of establishment of spiritual and social development of mankind, ensuring the opportunity to transmit the collected knowledge onwards. They say if we sit in front of a mandala with silenced mind, focusing to the center of it, we could get into a higher level of consciousness, where an unknown world unfolds its door to us. It enhances energies around us, and inside us.

Mandalas are harmonizing space by their powerful purifying ability, making our home more peaceful and calm, comfortable. It has a direct effect on our loved ones, even on our animals and plants within our environment. It symbolizes the whole universe, the circle of life, the harmony, the growth, all concealed within. With it's mystical symbols it doesn't just charm us, it liberates magical power and precious energies from the universe through these channels.

The two main forms of the mandalas are circle and square / sometimes rectangle/. Circle always has been a symbol of magical protection. Even our ancestors had surrounded their residence and cultic areas. According to medical thinking, on every surrounded, marked and built area an energy field emerges. Infinity itself is a symbol of continuous recurring and fulfillment.

The other is the square, which is the most harmonic form. As the circle, it has the ability of closing space. It's able to effect time and other dimensions, sealing it; therefore it's being used as creating different magical protections. Its peaks are showing towards the four compass points, although departing from the center, therefore energy may flow out if we would like. To percept a circle, we need only one moment, for the square-it's going to be four moments due to its corners. There are different ways to read through the corners - it summons the possibility of space, time, change and alternation.

In the western culture Carl Gustav Jung had started using and spreading the mandalas, treating them as the symbol of intention, effort and development for an individual. He considered the mandalas as a tool capable of discovering human psyche; according to Jung mandala helps to balance mental disorders through them simple and smooth patterns leading towards the center, which connects everything. Jung thinks that this is the manifestation of the self-healing power of the nature, which roots from the intuition and inner impulses, not from the conscious territory. For these reason we can find mandalas in so many culture- it roots from the collective unconscious. In this centric state every contrast and duality is being dissolved, cosmos and person becomes one.

Mandala is like a stencil for the mind, according to Jung, a pattern for order and peace, which emerges as an unalterable center from the chaotic elements of fear, problems, passion etc. Helped by our personal mandalas we are able to learn our inner self, discover our life duty, set our goals and focus our energies.

To get a hold of our personal mandalas, we could either buy one or DIY. It happens frequently that mandala choses its owner, we will feel immediately that THIS IS IT, we need it. That's the start of a magical spiritual journey in our life. We can choose between mandalas with the aforementioned, or just by form, symbolism or color, with separate meanings individually.

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