About my Mandalas:

My favorite symbol is Sun, flower of Life, seed of Life, Moon and Spirals. Those ancient symbols give the center of my mandalas. Our ancestors pictured Sun with a face, impersonating this holy symbol. The Sun, flower of Life, seed of Life, Spirals, Crosses and Tulips are commonly known as Sun symbols.

Some interesting facts about square Sunmandalas- alloying traditional circle-based approach with a central space-closing square based on Sun symbol. Opposing to "traditional' mandalas, it closes space, creating an energy shield- therefore granting magical protection to the things resides inside the circle.

Circle-based Sun mandalas are expending their energies into their space from the center too. Basically the same effect could be reach as the aforementioned, albeit here the energy spreads and diffuses, creating a fluctuating, flowing, active but energizing force field.

I create my mandalas on birch-tree paper as squire, rectangle or circle formation. Diameter length is minimum 20 centimeters to 1,5 meter ; above 60 centimeter square shaped pictures are framed for better stiffen. I thread the smaller ones on sennit with colorful wooden pearls.

I'm painting with acrylic paint and special acrylic contour, therefore it gets convex- respectively using glass and wooden "lenses" too sometimes. I'm trying hard getting my mandalas to radiate harmony, to have consonant and harmonic colors, to be less glaring, rather soft and nature-minded.

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